Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Walking on the Water

In some recent quiet time with Jesus, He has shown me some things that I would love to share with you guys. I have heard  the story of Jesus walking on water so many times, more than I could probably count on both my hands and feet. What I did not see in this story, however, is what I think Jesus really wanted us to see. This story is probably one of the most known stories in the bible, even by non Christians. They teach it in Sunday school, there is bumper stickers, quotes, and pictures from it. Every other time I have heard this story, I have thought of it in the same way, Peter didn't focus on God, and he sank, so we need to keep our eyes on Jesus, unlike Peter. I am sure I am not the only one who has only been taught it this way, but I now have fresh eyes on it, and I am being OVERWHELMED by how amazing it is.

While it may be true that Peter did not focus on God, and He ended up sinking, and we need to focus on Jesus so we won't sink, I think Jesus wanted us to get something more out of this story. As humans, we are all afraid to fail. If we know we are going to fail, we obviously would never try and quit right on the spot. That is what is so great about this story. Jesus told His disciples to get onto a boat and head to the other side. (Matthew 14:22)  They were quite a ways from shore where Jesus was, and their boat was being beaten by waves because the winds were so strong. (Matthew 14: 24) On the fourth night, Jesus came to them walking on the water. (Matthew 14:25) And at this point in the story, I think I would be saying, "YES!! Jesus has come to save us!!" But as we look into what happens next, we realize that is not the case. The story goes on to say that they were terrified, and cried out, "IT'S A GHOST!" Immediately, Jesus spoke to them saying, "Take heart, it is I. Do not be afraid." Peter answered, "Lord, if it is you, command me to come to you on the water." He said, "Come." So Peter got out of the boat and walked on the water and came to Jesus. (Matthew 14:26-29) I am almost 100% sure that Jesus KNEW Peter would fail in this moment. He knew that when He called Peter out onto the water, that he would eventually sink, and He would have to save him. Peter, however, did not. And I'm sure if he did, he never would have stepped out of the boat. BUT, Jesus STILL called Peter out onto the raging stormy water, even though he knew all too well Peter would fail.
When Peter saw the wind, He began to sink he cried out, Lord! Save me." Immediately, Jesus reached out his hand and took hold of him saying, "Oh you of little faith, why did you doubt?" And at this point in the story is when many people mock Peter. (Not in the story, but now when we are told it.) We think, seriously Peter... after all you have seen Jesus do, you still doubted Him, so you sank? What a fool. You should have just kept your eyes on Jesus, and you would of been fine. But what we do not see, is that we are all like Peter. We all fail, even when God calls us out. And maybe, just maybe, this is because we are so inclined to ignore Him, and not trust Him. We don't cry out for help, like He wants us to. And that is what I think this story was intended for. In times of trouble, we are supposed to cry out to Jesus, and ask Him to help us. He wants us to! Many times, as believers, I feel like we are ashamed of our failure, that we just keep sinking and never ask for help. We think we can do it all alone, that we can handle it. And Jesus won't force Himself upon us. He will just walk on by and allow a storm to come because He knows that eventually you will call out to Him.

The story goes on to say that when Jesus and Peter got back to the boat, the wind ceased. And those who were in the boat worshiped him saying, "You truly ARE the Son of God." (Matthew 14:32-33)

Many times when a storm rages in our life, we immediately start playing the blame game. We blame Satan, we blame our circumstances, we blame our family, friends, coworkers, EVERY one else, but what we don't do is cry out to God. Often times, Jesus will call us out into a storm, not to harm us, but to show us that all we have to do is cry out to Him and He will come to our rescue. That we do NOT have to do it alone. He will allow failure in our lives to ultimately show us that the only HOPE we can have, is in HIM, and in what HE wants us to do. This has become SO clear in my life recently. As many of you may know, I feel as if God is calling me to do YWAM in Montana. This is a HUGE step of faith for me, and I almost feel as if God is calling me out into a storm. I do not know how I will pay for this trip, I do not know really anything other than God is calling me to step out, and that is what I have to do. I am deeply afraid. I will be away from my home for 5+ months. I will not have a paying job, I will not be where I am comfortable. I can say how excited I am many times, but inside I feel shaky and scared. Through this story, I feel as if God is saying, you may fail sometimes in this journey I am taking you on, but I am trying to teach you to cry out to me, oh daughter of mine. And this wrecks my heart, in a good way. I am falling even DEEPER in love with my Savior day by day, and although I am super nervous and scared to step out in faith, I know that He will bless it and will help me, if I only cry out to Him.